Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017

Biological cancer therapy

Biological cancer therapy has long been no longer one of the alternative treatment methods.
On the contrary.
More and more people are aware that nature is not an alternative but the FIRST CHOICE! Biological cancer prevention, both in prevention and in combating acute diseases, is the way of nature from which we are.
The so-called "conventional" toxic treatments, take no consideration for healthy cells because they are not distinguished.
Not so with biological measures. Healthy cells are usually not damaged, so the compatibility is so good. The efficacy of natural therapies with no toxic side effects has been demonstrated in numerous clinics worldwide. For this reason, many medical practitioners find more than just complementary therapies in natural medicine, and combine sensible school-medical methods as required.
If we understand what exactly happens, how cancer develops and what processes trigger biological measures in the body, we have to admit:
Why not, by all means of nature, support the body's defense system and autonomous self-regulation in such a way that it has the POWER of successfully combating diseases such as cancer, or in the case of precaution?
Our immune system has been ending decades with various pathogens, microorganisms, cancer cells and viruses. Just because it is no longer alone, we should not lose confidence in ourselves and our self-healing powers. If we support the body and make it possible for him to be alone again, we have gained a lot. We use the term self-regulation. A biological cancer therapy pursues exactly this goal.
Dr. Davids coined the phrase in 2008: "Disease starts from the time when the organism can no longer regulate itself."
Biological cancer therapy with Tikituka from Chinese medicinal plants and vitamin B17 elixir is appreciated worldwide.

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