diagnosis cancer is no longer the end.
In the middle of March 2012 I placed a combur 9 - test with me u.a. Blood in urine.
As a trained medical practitioner, I control myself so regularly.
In a bladder mirror on the 15th of April, the urologist found a 96% malignant tumor.
On April 29, 2012 one of the seven tumors could not be completely removed. T2a at least G3. I was advised to have a surgery for a side exit or a neoblase (artificial bladder).
I refused such an operation, and left the clinic for two hours, and arranged with my family. We were looking for an alternative medicine.
After prolonged search we found vitamin B17 elixir and Tikituka 99.99%.
I wanted to leave the hospital on my own responsibility.
In the clinic they showed themselves understanding, but advised me not to push the whole thing on the long bench. I should also be able to return if my alternative therapy did not come to my mind.
At home, I had to change the intensive discharge therapy because of my diabetes.
On August 23, 2012, a urologist could not even find the surgical scars in a bladder mirror for follow-up examinations. He sent me to the MRT. There was nothing left of my former seven tumors. All relevant laboratory values are in the normal range.
I have not finished my B17 elixir and Tikituka therapy yet.
My diabetes is down to normal, as in a healthy person.
To my efficiency, I can say I go down to the trees in the forest. Two to three times a week I go to the gym.
After such a disease with 66 years to feel so comfortable again, one may already say a thank-you.
Anyone who gets such a diagnosis knows fear, grief, suffering and tears.
You need a family and friends that you wear, just as my wife and my boys, my sister-in-law and the grandchildren have done with me.
Full of gratitude
Thomas Haas
In the middle of March 2012 I placed a combur 9 - test with me u.a. Blood in urine.
As a trained medical practitioner, I control myself so regularly.
In a bladder mirror on the 15th of April, the urologist found a 96% malignant tumor.
On April 29, 2012 one of the seven tumors could not be completely removed. T2a at least G3. I was advised to have a surgery for a side exit or a neoblase (artificial bladder).
I refused such an operation, and left the clinic for two hours, and arranged with my family. We were looking for an alternative medicine.
After prolonged search we found vitamin B17 elixir and Tikituka 99.99%.
I wanted to leave the hospital on my own responsibility.
In the clinic they showed themselves understanding, but advised me not to push the whole thing on the long bench. I should also be able to return if my alternative therapy did not come to my mind.
At home, I had to change the intensive discharge therapy because of my diabetes.
On August 23, 2012, a urologist could not even find the surgical scars in a bladder mirror for follow-up examinations. He sent me to the MRT. There was nothing left of my former seven tumors. All relevant laboratory values are in the normal range.
I have not finished my B17 elixir and Tikituka therapy yet.
My diabetes is down to normal, as in a healthy person.
To my efficiency, I can say I go down to the trees in the forest. Two to three times a week I go to the gym.
After such a disease with 66 years to feel so comfortable again, one may already say a thank-you.
Anyone who gets such a diagnosis knows fear, grief, suffering and tears.
You need a family and friends that you wear, just as my wife and my boys, my sister-in-law and the grandchildren have done with me.
Full of gratitude
Thomas Haas
Jag är 15 år gammal. Jag föddes med HIV, min mamma dött på grund av HIV-infektionen Och jag beklagar varför jag aldrig träffade Dr Itua, han kunde ha botat min mamma för mig, eftersom det var mycket svårt för min mamma att jag stött på Dr itua läkande ord online om hur han botar olika sjukdomar i olika raser sjukdomar som HIV / Aids Herpes, Parkison, Astma, Autism, Copd, Epilepsi, bältros, förkylningssår, infertilitet, kronisk fatiguesyndrom, fibromyalgi, kärleksformulär, prostatacancer, lungcancer, glaukom ., psoriasis, levercirros, grå starr, makuladegeneration, Chrons sjukdom, infektiös mononukleos., hjärt-kärlsjukdom, lungsjukdom. förstorad prostata, osteoporos. alzheimers sjukdom, psoriasis, bipolär sjukdom, demens., magsjukdom, bröstcancer, blodcancer , Kolo-rektal cancer, kärleksformulär, kronisk diarré, atxi, artrit, amyotrofisk lateral skoliose, fibromyalgi, fluorokinolontoxicitet Syndrom Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progres Skleros, svag erektion, bröstförstoring, Penis Enlargment les, stivkrampa, kikhoste, tuberkulos, polio och difteri) Diabetes Hepatit till och med cancer Jag var så upphetsad men skrämde samtidigt för att jag inte har stött på en sådan artikel på nätet, då kontaktade jag Dr Itua på Mail . Jag pratar också med honom på vad som är appen +2348149277967 han berättar för mig hur det fungerar och jag säger till honom att jag vill gå vidare. och här lever jag friskt igen kan föreställa mig hur gud använder män för att manifestera sina verk. Jag skriver i alla artiklar online för att sprida gudsarbetet för Dr Itua växtmedicin, Han är en stor man.