Church of Monoatomic Gold is not Colloidal Gold.
Over the past 30 years, understanding of the value of healthy foods, vitamins, minerals, natural herbs and nutritional supplements has grown in terms of longer life, increased intelligence and spiritual development. Now that this understanding is present on a sufficiently broad basis, the next level of support is now available:
Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder. What is alchemy and how does it differ from other healing methods?
Alchemy is an ancient science and is practiced in many cultures. Alchemy involves aspects of chemistry, medicine, physics, astrology, geology, metallurgy and spiritual knowledge. An alchemist reproduces universal, physical, and spiritual processes in an accelerated and highly concentrated manner, producing unique substances that can not be obtained by any other method (similar to spagyric). Why is alchemy so little known?
Many pioneers in medicine and science have studied alchemy, but tradition has been obscured over the past few centuries by an exclusively mechanistic approach to science. In the 20th century, the world's interest in alchemy was revived, and for the first time in decades, real alchemical formulas are once again available to the public. From the history of the Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder
Church-of-Monoatomic products have been manufactured in Burma since 1986.
It has already been taken by initiates (such as kings and queens) to increase their consciousness, increase their vibration, and activate their full DNA potential.
"Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder" is not a cure in the sense of conventional medicine! Rather, it is a natural energetic environment, which is also found in minor traces in nature (for example, in volcanic ash or fruit and vegetables ripened on fertile soils in the sun). Our body needs monoatomic elements as well as metallic and colloidal trace elements.
However, when produced by a skilled human being in an alchemical process, its purity and impact quality are significantly improved and can not be compared with the naturally occurring material.
The white gold, already had the pharaohs of the first dynasties, they regenerated with it, for the later Pharaonic dynasties the knowledge was lost, they could be mummified. These are properties that conventional science calculates as impossible. We get a connection to another world. It also exists in the parallel universe. When gold goes into the spin state, it completely loses its metal properties and becomes a white powder. The white gold powder is mentioned again and again throughout human history, until recently nobody has figured out what kind of substance it is. It is a superconductor (it has matter and antimatter). The white gold powder was also called the "bread of life." The white gold can repair the damaged DNA, which is also the medicine against premature mortality.
Since the late 1990's, it has been known that in normal cell regeneration, a small piece of DNA is lost on both sides of the DNA strand (called telomeres) and therefore less efficient, this "self-mutilation on rates" is also the main cause for aging. The white gold reproduces the entire DNA and eliminates the degenerative process.
Our original plan is stored in our soul. From the first intake of Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder, the aging process is slowed down and possibly. actually, in fact, vice versa Life expectancy can therefore be extended considerably. It's about the physical, emotional and mental health that can make up for the madness of our time. What we think will manifest in life and that will be accelerated by the white gold.
By taking Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder, the performance of the nervous system increases significantly. This would enable them to process unbelievable amounts of information like a supercomputer, so many more possibilities can be exploited. The brain cells are aligned so that they communicate much better with each other. Monatomic gold has incredible power, because it directs the cells to absorb enormous amounts of light energy that helps eliminate blockages and imbalances.
Ingestion: 0.5-1 grams are dissolved in about 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drunk throughout the day.
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